Simulates a data set from a mixture-of-experts model for RCP (for region of common profile) types.
regional_mix.simulate( nRCP = 3, S = 20, n = 200, p.x = 3, p.w = 0, alpha = NULL, tau = NULL, beta = NULL, gamma = NULL, logDisps = NULL, powers = NULL, X = NULL, W = NULL, offset = NULL, family = "bernoulli" )
nRCP | Integer giving the number of RCPs |
S | Integer giving the number of species |
n | Integer giving the number of observations (sites) |
p.x | Integer giving the number of covariates (including the intercept) for the model for the latent RCP types |
p.w | Integer giving the number of covariates (excluding the intercept) for the model for the species data |
alpha | Numeric vector of length S. Specifies the mean prevalence for each species, on the logit scale |
tau | Numeric matrix of dimension c(nRCP-1,S). Specifies each species difference from the mean to each RCPs mean for the first nRCP-1 RCPs. The last RCP means are calculated using the sum-to-zero constraints |
beta | Numeric matrix of dimension c(nRCP-1,p.x). Specifies the RCP's dependence on the covariates (in X) |
gamma | Numeric matrix of dimension c(n,p.w). Specifies the species' dependence on the covariates (in W) |
logDisps | Logartihm of the (over-)dispersion parameters for each species for negative binomial, Tweedie and Normal models |
powers | Power parameters for each species for Tweedie model |
X | Numeric matrix of dimension c(n,p.x). Specifies the covariates for the RCP model. Must include the intercept, if one is wanted. Default is random numbers in a matrix of the right size. |
W | Numeric matrix of dimension c(n,p.w). Specifies the covariates for the species model. Must not include the intercept. Unless you want it included twice. Default is to give random levels of a two-level factor. |
offset | Numeric vector of size n. Specifies any offset to be included into the species level model. |
family | Text string. Specifies the family of the species data. Current options are "bernoulli" (default), "poisson", "negative.binomial", "tweedie" and "gaussian. |
if (FALSE) { #generates synthetic data set.seed( 151) n <- 100 S <- 10 nRCP <- 3 my.dist <- "negative.binomial" X <- as.data.frame( cbind( x1=runif( n, min=-10, max=10), x2=runif( n, min=-10, max=10))) Offy <- log( runif( n, min=30, max=60)) pols <- list() pols[[1]] <- poly( X$x1, degree=3) pols[[2]] <- poly( X$x2, degree=3) X <- as.matrix( cbind( 1, X, pols[[1]], pols[[2]])) colnames( X) <- c("const", 'x1', 'x2', paste( "x1",1:3,sep='.'), paste( "x2",1:3,sep='.')) p.x <- ncol( X[,-(2:3)]) p.w <- 3 W <- matrix(sample( c(0,1), size=(n*p.w), replace=TRUE), nrow=n, ncol=p.w) colnames( W) <- paste( "w",1:3,sep=".") alpha <- rnorm( S) tau.var <- 0.5 b <- sqrt( tau.var/2) tau <- matrix( rexp( n=(nRCP-1)*S, rate=1/b) - rexp( n=(nRCP-1)*S, rate=1/b), nrow=nRCP-1, ncol=S) beta <- 0.2 * matrix( c(-1.2, -2.6, 0.2, -23.4, -16.7, -18.7, -59.2, -76.0, -14.2, -28.3, -36.8, -17.8, -92.9,-2.7), nrow=nRCP-1, ncol=p.x) gamma <- matrix( rnorm( S*p.w), ncol=p.w, nrow=S) logDisp <- log( rexp( S, 1)) set.seed(121) simDat <- regional_mix.simulate( nRCP=nRCP, S=S, p.x=p.x, p.w=p.w, n=n, alpha=alpha, tau=tau, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, X=X[,-(2:3)], W=W, family=my.dist, logDisp=logDisp, offset=Offy) }